A HEARTBROKEN husband is hoping to pay a touching tribute to his wife who he lost to cancer by restoring a bench in her memory.

John Thomson was left devastated when his beloved partner Alexandra died after a short battle with stage four metastatic cancer in June 2020.

The pair, who were married for 23 years, first noticed Alexandra’s health getting worse while on holiday in early 2020. Tests soon revealed that she had an advanced and deadly form of cancer.

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Her passing was made even more difficult for John because it came at the height of the pandemic when it was difficult to meet up with other people.

(Image: George Munro)

John told the Telegraph: “It was a big shock for me when she passed away, I didn’t know what to do.

“I’ve got a lot going on with my mental health, and I can’t work so I had no idea what to do next or who to turn to.

“They had given her a time limit of six months, so we decided to go to Iceland and to Germany, back to her home.

“We went to Iceland to see the Northern Lights, but she never got to see them.

“At that time, during Covid, nobody could come to see me because of all the masks and things like that.

“I’ve just got nobody to talk to and nobody to help me.

“I’ve been really depressed, and I didn’t know what to do.

“But I find a way, I just keep myself focused on her telling me not to give up."

Former chef John is now hoping to create a lasting memorial for Alexandra by restoring a bench in the garden of their home on Brisbane Street and is seeking the local community’s help.

Alexandra died after a short battle with cancer (Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro)

He has issued a plea to any kind-hearted locals who would be willing to help him to restore the bench or teach him the skills to do it himself.

He added: “My wife always used to sit on the bench when she was doing her gardening and she told me she’d always like to restore it at some point.

“I kept to myself for about four years after she passed away and recently I decided to try to get out of that trap and get help to sort the bench.

“But every time I’ve asked people have told me it’s going to cost a lot and I don’t have that kind of money.

(Image: George Munro)

“So now I’ve reached out to the community to see if they can help me, I’m just looking for someone who can help even if they’re just showing me how to put it together.

“I don’t mind paying for paint or anything like that, I just need help making a plaque or making a few slats – just things like that.

“I just want something I can remind myself of her with.”