A COMPASSIONATE Port Glasgow woman has donated £1,000 to a vital Inverclyde organisation which helps save lives. 

Kirsty McGregor-Burns runs Port Glasgow and Linwood Spiritual Mission, and members of the group give freewill donations. 

Kirsty let the group know she would be collecting for MindMosaic Counselling and Therapy, and was overwhelmed by the amount gathered for the cause. 

The community activist said the organisation is close to her heart as it's been a strong source of support for her friends and family over the years. 

Kirsty, 46, said: "I have a friend who told me MindMosaic saved her life. 

"So many of my friends and members of my family have received support. 

"I'm very grateful for all of the donations I receive from people through the mission.

"I love bringing the community together and helping people."

Elaine Wroe, director of counselling at MindMosaic, said Kirsty's donation will help more people from all over Inverclyde access services.

She added: "We offer fast-track services for people who can pay privately but we will never turn anyone away. 

"Any donations help us to provide counselling for people who aren't able to go through our fast-track. 

"There's a perception that we receive statutory funding but we don't. 

"We're partially grant funded, so fundraising and receiving donations are vital for us. 

"We're so grateful for everything we receive. 

"It means the world to us."

Susan Gray, group development worker, added: "We meet people where they're at and keep it real. 

"It's about helping people understand what's going on in their lives and why it's affecting them. 

"We normalise those effects and work on self-acceptance. 

"We couldn't do what we do without help from people like Kirsty."

Kirsty leads members of Port Glasgow and Linwood Spiritual Mission in non-denominational spiritual services online every Thursday. 

Elements of the meeting include a demonstration of mediumship, healing, and meditation. 

Kirsty is proud to have created a safe space for people, and wants more people across Inverclyde to be made aware of the safe space available through MindMosaic.  

She added: "I'm very grateful for people who trust me to lead the sessions. 

"It's lovely to meet with authentic, lovely people.

"I don't think there's enough awareness about MindMosaic out there, and a lot of people don't know that this kind of therapy is available.

"We're really lucky here in Inverclyde to have such good quality therapy services."