INVERCLYDE'S new MP says the Labour government's steps towards a genuine living wage will mean a "transformative change" for working people.

Martin McCluskey welcomed the move to overhaul the remit of the Low Pay Commission (LPC), an independent body that advises the government on the National Minimum Wage, to ensure the cost of living is considered when the LPC makes its recommendations.

Mr McCluskey said: “This is nothing short of a transformative change in the world of work that will support thousands of workers in Inverclyde and Renfrewshire West.

“For too long people in our area have been failed by low pay at work.

“With Labour, this will end.

“The Labour government is acting now to boost wages and put money into people’s pockets.

“We promised action on low pay during the election campaign and less than four weeks after polling day we are delivering on this.”

Alongside the cost of living remit, Labour has pledged to address the ‘unfairness’ in minimum wage rates for different groups of adults.

Business and Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds said: “The new remit to the LPC is the first of many vital steps we will take to support more people to stay in work, make work more family-friendly and improve living standards.

“Our focus remains on putting more money in working people’s pockets and boosting economic growth.”