A PORT Glasgow church's latest 'Picnic in the Park' has hit all the right notes with local families.

Members of Port Glasgow New Parish were joined by members of the wider community to enjoy an old-fashioned get together in Coronation Park.

Parents, children and an older generation, gathered for the third year in a row and it proved to be a great success.

(Image: alex craig) (Image: Alex Craig) (Image: Alex Craig) (Image: Alex Craig)

The church's minister, the Reverend William Boyle said: "It was a really great day. We had all our church family and members of the community coming along.

"People brought along a picnic and we had games for the kids and Riverside Youth Band, and we all had a sing-along.

"Older members of the congregation remember going on buses to go down the coast for a picnic, but we thought 'why not have have it in Coronation Park?'. It's such a great park on our doorstep.

"It's an amazing park and accessible for everyone and there is loads for the kids to do.

"We've had such great feedback. One lady asked when were we holding the next one."

(Image: Alex Craig) (Image: Alex Craig) (Image: Alex Craig) (Image: Alex Craig) (Image: Alex Craig) (Image: Alex Craig)

People also enjoyed live music and sang along to some old favourites as well as some new songs.

(Image: Alex Craig) (Image: Alex Craig) (Image: Alex Craig) (Image: Alex Craig)

William said: "We had the Riverside Youth band and a sing-along in the park without any expense.

"People brought their own picnic, a blanket or chairs and shared sandwiches, and we can always provide a picnic if people are struggling.

"It was a chance to sit together, have a catch up while the kids played games.

"We had around 50 folk throughout the day.

"I received an email from a member of the community, saying 'could they bring their kids along even if they don't go to the church?'.

"I said 'that's what it is all about'. Everyone is welcome."