Cute cooks took part in their very own 'Great British Bake-Off' in Gourock this week.

Youngsters enjoyed making their own bread, scones, soup and pizza at St John's Church's holiday club.

(Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro)

The week-long activities dubbed as 'God's Kitchen' offered youngsters an introduction to cookery, crafts, and music as well as a chance to learn about the environment and food deserts - areas which don't have food shop food shops within walking distance.

Helper Graham Bolster said: "We have a food theme this week, kids get the chance to make their own food.

"We made something different every morning, then they eat it for snack or lunch.

"It's been a really good atmosphere, we've set up four stations, a mission and story station, craft and music station.

"The kids have really enjoyed it, I think they've enjoyed the baking sessions the best."

Graham says it's been a fun week but with the food theme linking into stories in the bible.

Minister Reverend Teri Peterson said children have been learning a lot of new things in the baking sessions.

She said: "The children have really enjoyed it. Lots of them have never done anything like this before.

"They've learned how to measure ingredients on the scales, and kneading dough, lots of cool things. Learning to sauté vegetables to make the soup.

"On the first day they designed their own aprons in the crafts section.

"They have learned a lot of songs and at the mission station about food deserts and food banks and climate change."

Around 40 primary school-aged children took part in the mornings throughout the week, some also popped along at 8am for breakfast.

On the last day families were invited along in the evening for a celebration meal and to find out what their children had been learning during the week.