A GREENOCK man accused of sexually assaulting two teenage girls at a hotel "apologised for being a creep" after manhandling one of his alleged victims, a trial has been told.

Robert Robertson - who is also charged with communicating indecently with another youngster years earlier - is said to have grabbed the teen by her waist from behind, against her will.

According to prosecutors, the 47-year-old groped a different girl and repeatedly touched her inappropriately at the venue around two years ago.

Giving evidence via a video link at Greenock Sheriff Court on Friday, one of the young complainers told a jury that Robertson left her feeling "unsettled" and "uneasy" after the reported assaults.

She described an alleged incident when Robertson unexpectedly "blew on the back of my neck", adding: "When I turned round he was right in my face."

On a separate occasion in 2022, the witness had her back to the accused and Robertson entered the room and moved "right behind" her.

She said: "He came up and grabbed me by the waist when I was at the sink facing away from him.

"I felt uneasy and didn't know he was in the room until he was behind me.

"He grabbed me with both hands."

According to the witness, Robertson apologised afterwards and she was told to "just to stay clear" of her alleged attacker before the matter was reported to police.

In her statement to police, the witness said: "I didn't really think anything of it until other things started to happen."

She went on to tell of Robertson "putting his arms around her shoulder and trying to kiss her on the lips" but she moved her face and he kissed her on the cheek.

Later that night, he told his alleged victim: "I'm sorry for being a creep."

The other complainer, who said that Robertson made her feel "uncomfortable", told the court of several alleged incidents involving him cuddling and kissing her without warning.

She said that in one incident, the accused put his hand in her pocket and handled her private parts over her clothing, while he also pulled her close to him and placed his hands on her hips on another occasion.

The witness said: "I went into the other room to try and get away from him.

"I completely froze, I didn't know what to do."

On various occasions in 2015, Robertson, of Robertson Street, is accused of repeatedly commenting on a different girl's breasts, asking her about her physical appearance and her sexual experience and uttering words or phrases suggesting that he would like to watch her while she dressed.

Prosecutors accepted not guilty pleas to two further indictment charges alleging that he sexually assaulted a primary school-aged child and directed sexual verbal communications towards another complainer ‘for the purposes of obtaining sexual gratification or of humiliating, distressing or alarming’ them.

The trial, before Sheriff James Varney, continues.