AN INDECENT assaults accused Greenock man who allegedly kissed and cuddled two teenage girls and told another that she looked 'busty' has told a jury that his reported actions were not sexually motivated.

Giving evidence at Greenock Sheriff Court, Robert Robertson - who is charged with groping one teen at a hotel and suggesting that he would like to watch a separate young complainer while she dressed - repeatedly stated that he would have behaved differently 'in hindsight'.

The 47-year-old's trial heard that one alleged victim 'felt uncomfortable' and was 'quite shaky and started crying' after telling a witness that she had allegedly been sexually assaulted in 2022.

Robertson is said to have had a conversation with one complainer about her 'sexual history', while he later allegedly told the youngster that he could 'spy' on her before asking: "Are your boobs sore? You look busty."

However, he denied making the comments for the purposes of sexual gratification, or of humiliating the girl.

He said of one remark: "It was a comment made in jest. It was something I probably should have been more mindful of."

READ MOREGreenock man 'apologised for being creep' after 'sexual assault on girl', trial told

Regarding a separate alleged incident involving a different complainer two years ago, Robertson accepted that he kissed the girl on the forehead and hugged her on one occasion, but claimed it was 'just friendly'.

Defence advocate James McCrone asked his client: "Do you think this was an appropriate thing for a man of your age to do to a [teenage] girl?"

Robertson replied: "At the time, I would have thought it was appropriate, I was trying to be supportive."

He was asked: "Was this sexual in any way?"

Robertson told the court: "No."

The accused agreed that he put his hands on the complainer's hips on a separate occasion, and said: "In hindsight, if she felt uncomfortable, then it is not appropriate but I hadn't realised she felt that way at the time."

(Image: NQ)

He denied groping the teen on a different date, stating that his 'hand may have brushed her slightly'.

Robertson also accepted that he put his arm around another alleged victim and said he might have kissed her on her head, stating that he would be 'wary' of similar conduct now and adding: "Clearly she didn't feel as comfortable with it as I assumed she did."

The court previously heard from one of the alleged victims who told the court that Robertson 'apologised for being a creep' after allegedly blowing on the back of her neck.

The accused refuted that suggestion and told Monday's hearing that he said 'I am sorry if I came across as creepy'.

He said: "Yes, I understood that my actions could come across as creepy."

Addressing Robertson, Crown prosecutor Maria Murdoch said: "Overall, you seem to accept in your evidence that most of these things happened."

Robertson said: "Yes."

The procurator fiscal depute continued: "I have to put it to you that you knew exactly what you were doing, that these girls were young and you took advantage of them.

"It is you that is not telling the jury the truth."

The trial, before Sheriff James Varney, continues.