A TALENTED teenager hoping to secure a spot to study psychology at a top Scottish university has taken another step along the path to success by achieving straight As in his Higher exams.

Brainy Laurence Bell was delighted when he discovered he had attained A grades in administration, computer science, English, maths, and modern studies this morning.

The Inverclyde Academy pupil's mum Lorraine charged across their living room to share a warm embrace with her son when he told her the good news.

READ MORE: SQA support available to pupils receiving exam results

The 17-year-old was one of almost 1,900 local pupils who received their SQA exam results today after weeks of nervous waiting.

(Image: George Munro)

He said he had been stunned to see five perfect grades when he opened the message containing his results.  

He added: “I’m shocked but just so excited.

“I’m going back to school this year and study to hopefully go on to do psychology at university.

“I like the idea of helping other people communicate and helping to solve issues, I think that’s something that would suit me.

“I was a bit worried wondering if it was going to be another five minutes and I’d be sitting here not knowing, but luckily it came in.

“I feel a bit more grounded now.”

Laurence’s decision to pursue a career in psychology is a recent one and he hopes to study the subject further at school next year before he heads off to university.

(Image: George Munro)

He said: “I’ve always been interested in writing and stuff like that, and I thought about maybe being an author.

“That would still be interesting to me, but I decided later that if there was something I was going to go and study then I would be really interested in doing psychology.

“It would be new to me so I’m going to go and do the higher this year to make sure it’s something I’m interested in.”

The good news capped off a nervous morning which had seen Laurence anxiously waiting for his results alongside his mum Lorraine, dad Alisdair and dog Lola.

Lorraine was beaming with pride as she spoke to the Telegraph about her only child's achievement. 

(Image: George Munro)

She said: “He can do what he wants now, he’s got 5 As at Higher, he could apply now for university without even doing sixth year.

“Laurence just has natural ability – any mum would say that – but even from when he was in nursery when he could already read, I knew he was talented.

“I can’t even put into words how happy I am.

“I’m going for a nap now, I was so nervous waiting for the results but I’m just so happy now.

“I’m the proudest parent ever.

“He makes me so proud every single day and I’m over the moon for him."