Time travellers in Port Glasgow went back to the future to learn about the Bible.

Two boffins, 'Professors William and Susan', used a time machine to go back to the time of the stories in the Bible.

They came back and told the children all about the people they had met and the stories they had heard.

(Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro)

Reverend Susan Henderson, of the United Reformed Church, said: "We've been going back in time to the time of bible stories and we tell the children all about the people we have met."

"We told the story about Moses being lost in the wilderness and Samuel hearing the voice of God."

The joint holiday club was run by Port Glasgow New Parish Church and Port Glasgow United Reformed Church and ran over five mornings.

There was also a series of crafts, action songs, games and a snack.

(Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro)

(Image: George Munro)

Susan said: "We made cloud slime and that was very popular there was a lot of talking about that especially from the P7s, who were all talking about it."

William, minister at Port Glasgow New Parish Church, said this was their third holiday club and that both he and Susan enjoyed working alongside the children.

He said: "We had 61 children signed up for the week and we have children from schools from all denominations coming along.

"We always get great feedback when we post out highlight video on Facebook, one man said he wanted to thank us for running the club.

"Some people can't believe we run it for free. It's not about making money; it's about engaging with the children and their families across the school holidays.

"It can be quite expensive for families to do things with their children during the summer."

Susan and William would like to thank all the volunteers who have helped and also Inverclyde Windfarm Trust who provided some funds.