TEACHERS in Inverclyde will be seeing double this week as ten sets of twins start school in the district. 

The similar siblings are due to begin Primary 1 on Friday in an area that has been dubbed 'Twinverclyde' for its high rate of twins. 

The anomaly has become an online media sensation in recent years, with international publications such as Fox News in the United States and the Hindustan Times in India running news stories about the strange phenomenon. 

Most of the youngsters donned their school uniforms and gathered at St Patrick’s Primary in Greenock today for a dress rehearsal of their first day.

St Patrick's, Kilmacolm and King’s Oak primaries will each welcome two pairs of similar siblings for the start of the new term.

(Image: George Munro)

Provost Drew McKenzie said: “You know it’s back to school time when we start to see this year’s inductees to our ‘twinverclyde’ hall of fame.

“It has become an annual tradition to get our new P1 twins together and it is great fun for them and their family and friends and they all look so resplendent in their uniforms. 

“For most, it’s a dress rehearsal for Friday when it’s back to the classroom for staff and pupils here in Inverclyde.

“After a summer of preparing to either start school for the first time, move into high school, or continuing with primary or secondary education, it’s an exciting time for everyone and I wish all our education staff, pupils and their families all the very best in the next academic year.”  

This year’s total of 10 sets of twins is fewer than last year’s figure of 17, which was the second-highest on record. 

It is the fourth consecutive year that the twin count has hit double figures.

There has also been double figures in 10 of the last 12 years.

The highest count recorded came in 2015, when 19 pairs of twins enrolled in local schools. 

The class of 2024 will take the Inverclyde twin count to 157 sets since 2013, which is an average of 13 sets each year.

Staff will head to the classroom tomorrow, Wednesday 14 August 2024, for two in-service days before pupils start the new term on Friday 16 August 2024.