A TENACIOUS set of Greenock twins have won places at university after they successfully completed a work experience programme at one of Inverclyde's best-known venues. 

Former Clydeview Academy pupils Arran and Cameron Peden, 18, were shown the ropes behind the scenes at the Beacon Arts Centre by technical manager Ian Swinscoe. 

Both Arran and Cameron want to pursue careers in audio production, and with Ian's guidance, they've secured spots at top educational institutions.

The twins say the Beacon has a special place in their hearts as a seat dedicated to their late gran, Anne Peden, takes pride of place in the main theatre. 

Cameron said: "Our gran passed away in 2007.  She loved going to the theatre and would always encourage us to go and see things. 

"I'm sure she'll be proud of what we've achieved."

Cameron is getting ready to study production technology and management at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, and Arran is going to finish his HND in audio technology and then go into the third year of the audio technology course at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Arran said he's always been interested in the whole performing arts process. 

He added: "I love finding out more about what goes on behind the scenes to make it all happen. 

"We got some really practical experience at the Beacon which has stood us in good stead for what's ahead."

(Image: George Munro)
Cameron added: "I've always been interested in music and shows, and in S6 I got into the whole music technology side of things. 

"We got the opportunity to get involved in work experience when the school contacted the Beacon and it went from there."

Arran and Cameron worked alongside technical manager Ian Swinscoe from August last year until May.

They helped set up shows, including the much-loved panto, and got the chance to change sets around between scenes. 

The top twins have no doubt that the experience they gained will help them in their careers. 

Arran said: "We were both in for work experience at the same time. 

"We're very competitive, so I think that pushed us to be better. 

"I would love to tour as a sound tech or guitar tech."

Cameron added: "We were always busy, Ian always had us doing something. 

"It's given us a lot more skills and insight into what goes on behind the scenes.

"I want to tour with a show or with a band. 

"I would love to travel and see places and have fun doing it."

Jennifer Hunter, community outreach co-ordinator at the Beacon, added: "It's been great to have Arran and Cameron here. 

"They just came in and got on with the job. 

"A lot of people are quite surprised at how many career paths exist within an arts centre, so this is a great way to help young people learn about different opportunities."

Lesley Davidson, co-director of Beacon Arts Centre, said the venue offers a wide range of work experience roles, from admin to technical.

She added: "Working with local schools to give young people in the area the chance to develop their skills and take their first steps on the career ladder is a really important part of our mission to light up lives in Inverclyde. 

"We were all absolutely delighted to hear that Arran and Cameron had both won places at university to study technical theatre, and we are very proud of them."