FURIOUS Langbank residents are stepping up their campaign against a hotel's bid to build 30 glamping pods on its land.

Villagers are up in arms at the plans by the owners of the Gleddoch Hotel resort, with nearly 100 objections lodged so far.

Campaigners say they're worried the major development will change Langbank irrevocably with fears over sewage, the impact on the surrounding countryside, noise pollution and increased traffic on busy roads.

In February the Tele reported concerned residents' fears that the plans for the holiday lets would increase the threat of severe flooding.

Angry 'Save our Village' objectors have been raising funds in a bid to step up their efforts to halt the plans in their tracks.

Gillian Carlin Gleddoch Hotel neighbourGillian Carlin Gleddoch Hotel neighbour (Image: George Munro)

Retired head teacher Gillian Carlin, who lives in Gleddoch Wynd, next to the hotel grounds. said: "We are very concerned about this, both here and in the main village.

"We don't have any real issue with glamping pods themselves. It is the sheer number of them, and they are in completely the wrong place. There are 340 acres and they could have put them somewhere else.

"They are right next to where people live. There will be such an increase in traffic, and there will be so much noise.

"Everyone feels so strongly about it in the village. The youngsters have been out leafleting.

"It will fundamentally change Langbank. It won't be the same place if this goes ahead and it is very sad.

Residents have sent in their objections to Renfrewshire Council, backed by experts drafted in to consider the proposal.

Gillian is joined by lifelong Langbank resident Muriel Colquhoun MBE, who has also been leading the Save Our Village campaign group.

Muriel says the drainage plans for the proposed development don't reflect that there could be up to 144 people staying in the pods at any one time.

In the main village there are fears that the flooding will get more severe as more water is poured onto impermeable rock and the culverts put in place more than 40 years ago cannot withstand any more water.

And Muriel says that if the plans are approved she fears it won't be the end of the resort owners' expansion plans.

Muriel, who lives in Station Road, said: "There are already unacceptable levels of noise, with random fireworks going off.

"The roads in Langbank are not built for that kind of traffic. The road up to the hotel is already bad, and there are no footpaths.

"There have already been complaints about noise pollution. I do not have a lot of faith in the practises of the planning office to uphold their own conditions."

Those opposing the plans are calling on Renfrewshire Council to demand a full environmental assessment and a noise evaluation.

A Renfrewshire Council spokesperson said: “The application remains under consideration and will be presented to a future meeting of the planning and climate change policy board.”

Earlier this year Gleddoch's owners said they had put a great deal of thought into the design, landscaping and operational plan of the proposal, saying they want to provide a premium experience which will complement the hotel by offering longer term tranquil stays.

They describe the proposal as "a market-leading asset for the local area". 

They told the Tele that it would boost the local economy and create further jobs for the community.

Gleddoch Hotel management said that they were working with engineers to address any drainage concerns around the glamping pods and enhancing the plan.

The Tele has contacted Gleddoch Hotel for a response.