Beach clean volunteers were shocked to find used syringes on the shore at Skelmorlie on Tuesday morning.

Skelmorlie Environment Trust managed to bag seven loads of rubbish from the shoreline in the build up to the forthcoming four day Nature Festival when they made the discovery.

All manner of materials were found at the shore including a sleeping bag, ear bud sticks, dental floss, and a plastic gnome ornament.

A Trust spokesperson said: "We found a couple of syringes. In this case they were well softened by the sea and had no needle left in them."

"Thank you again for the amazing volunteers at today's beach clean.

Environment Trust volunteers did their bit in cleaning the local shore on the advent of the village nature festival which begins on Thursday (tomorrow)Environment Trust volunteers did their bit in cleaning the local shore on the advent of the village nature festival which begins on Thursday (tomorrow) (Image: Skelmorlie Environment Trust)

"The beach was looking in good shape before we began, but we still managed to get a good few bags of rubbish filled.

"We took the fish crates home to repurpose as plant trays."

Police Scotland has provided the following guidance in case used syringes are found on beaches in the district: "Discarded hypodermic needles and syringes can be a danger to everyone because of the risk of injury and infection to the finder.

"While provision is made for the safe disposal of such equipment they could unfortunately still be found in many places and finds can range from single items to larger quantities.

"Do not put yourself or others at risk from discarded needles and syringes.

"If you come across a needle or syringe don't touch it or try to hide or conceal it. Please don't try to dispose of it by kicking it down a drain or putting it in the bin or down the toilet.

"Contact North Ayrshire Council who have the equipment required to dispose of the needles safely.

"If there are a large amount of needles appearing on a regular basis then please also contact the police."