Motorists reported traffic chaos last night after several roads were closed due to a gas leak near a Greenock housing development.

Several homes near the site of the former Greenock Academy were evacuated and roads around Madeira Street, Newark Street and Union Street were closed off while SGN worked on emergency repairs.

Police Scotland have confirmed that people were back in their homes by 6pm last night.

A spokesperson said: "Roads in Greenock which were closed due to a gas leak have reopened.

"The incident was reported around 2.30pm and affected Newark Street, Madeira Street and Bentinck Street.

Residents of properties evacuated as a precaution were able to return around 6pm.

The roads have now reopened but the SGN team is still on site today carrying out repairs.

A SGN spokesperson said: "We were called to reports of a gas escape in the Newark Street area of Greenock.

"As a precaution, the emergency services temporarily closed nearby roads and evacuated properties.

"Thank you to the local community for their patience and understanding."

The alarm was first raised at around 3pm on Monday and work stopped on the nearby building site to create 30 new homes. 

(Image: George Munro)

Housebuilders CCG confirmed that the incident was not related to any activities on their site.

A spokesman said: "We can confirm that the incident is not in any way a result of any construction activities on our site."

It is understood there had been work ongoing at a gas box near the site that day.

Witnesses reported the smell of gas filled the area around the housing development yesterday afternoon.

A source told the Telegraph: "The smell of gas would knock you out. It is so strong.

"Everything was closed off immediately.

"But the police officers have been going door to door and visiting the nearby Madeira Nursery to reassure everyone that it is safe."

We reported yesterday that the police were going door to door to reassure residents and  the nearby Madeira Nursery were told it was safe to remain.

Police confirmed residents were returned to their homes yesterday evening.