GREEN-FINGERED gardeners rose above the challenging summer weather to produce a blooming marvellous display at the annual Kilmacolm Flower Show.

Organised by Kilmacolm Horticultural Society, the event, on August 31, was given a gold star for effort and success by the public.

Despite the poor weather conditions throughout the summer, gardeners from Kilmacolm and beyond nurtured their plants, protected them from cold and wind and slugs and the results were enjoyed by all those who came along to see them.

Amelia Boyland with her children's section art entry.Amelia Boyland with her children's section art entry. (Image: alex craig)

The hall was filled with exhibits which provided a good variety of top quality summer flowers, pot plants, vegetables, tubs, and two awesome hanging baskets.

Secretary Jill Russell said: "We were especially pleased to see the floral art entries, and kitchencraft was delicious as ever, plus several new entries in the novice section.

"Our special thanks went to the children of Kilmacolm Primary and St Columba’s Junior schools, who entered their drawings for Class 110 , a science poster on A3 paper, describing parts of a plant/flower.

Andy Aitken with some of the show's vegetable entries.Andy Aitken with some of the show's vegetable entries. (Image: alex craig)

Judges voted ‘highly commended' on so many entries, and congratulations to each pupil who took part.

"The fun class 109 – a vegetable ‘Superhero’ - provided potato superheroes in many very imaginative disguises."

Tele gardener and long standing Kilmacolm judge George Irvine said: "Kilmacolm Flower Show is defintely one of the highlights and is now the last show of the year. It was great to go out on a high.

"We always have some great entries of a very high standard. It has not been a very easy year for gardeners, the weather has been terrible. But they all did well."

The list of prize winners is as follows.

Robert McIlver, best exhibits in carnations; Ian Morrice, best exhibit in fuchsias; Stuart MacDougall, best exhibit in pot plants and best exhibit in tomatoes; Mrs Evelyn Campbell, best exhibit in hanging baskets; Mrs Elizabeth Manson, most points in section 2 (pot plants); Mrs Evelyn Russell, most points in section 4 (novices); Mrs Jenny O’Rourke, most points in section 5 (kitchencraft); Mrs Helen Cook, most points in section 6 (floral art); Miss Anna McFadzean, most points in section 7 (children).

Christine Haddock with a very different carrot cake.Christine Haddock with a very different carrot cake. (Image: alex craig)

Derrick Russell, best exhibit in chrysanthemums, best exhibit in gladioli, best exhibit in leeks, most points in section 3 (vegetables); Mrs Lynda McFie, best exhibit in annuals, best exhibit in sweet peas, best exhibit in herbaceous, best exhibit in roses, winner of Top Vase, most points in annuals, most points in section 1 (cut flowers); Richard Mussenden, best exhibit in dahlias, most points in dahlias, and winner of the Tainsh Cup for the most meritorious exhibit in the show.