Six scout patrols took part in the District Hardie Webster Camping Competition 2024.

The camping competition in Everton gave opportunities for scouts across the district to participate in a series of activities where they learnt teamwork, time management, preparing and cooking meals, and more.  

On Friday, the self-led patrols set up their campsites, erecting patrol tents, dining shelters, and store tents.

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Following that, they engaged in various games before retiring for supper consisting of hot chocolate and cake.

Saturday morning saw the young scouts cooking their own breakfast and preparing their site for morning inspection. 

The remainder of the day was spent managing several challenges, including shelter building, making cups of tea using water they boiled over a fire, and producing backwoods implements such as intruder alarms.

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Demonstrations of knot skills, and a number of team puzzles cemented the day’s activities.

Dinner was a highlight, with meals cooked over their fires, featuring diverse menus like chilli, spaghetti bolognese, and Jambalaya.

The evening concluded with the showcasing of camp gadgets followed by campfire songs and indoor quick-fire team games.

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Sunday began with breakfast cooked over the fire and a final camp inspection.

Before departing, scouts showcased their camp set-ups to their own leaders, while also observing other patrol sites.

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A patrol from the 6th won the event, while the patrols from 10th secured both the second and third positions.