A FORMER councillor is calling for free swimming for school children in Inverclyde throughout the year to be reintroduced.

Chris McEleny, who is now the Alba Party's general secretary, says the decision to cut the provision has dispropertionately affectedlocal families.

Cllr McEleny, the former leader of the authority's SNP group, said: "We have now entered National Learn to Swim Month but unfortunately in Inverclyde learning to swim has become increasingly unaffordable to families that aren’t so well off. 

“Previously free swimming allowed Inverclyde’s young people to improve their swimming all week long, as well as the many other benefits to their health. 

“The decision to cut free swimming for young people means that even fewer opportunities now exist for young people across the district every day if the week with the exception of a very small window at the weekend. 

“I would urge my former colleagues to rethink this decision and prioritise refunding free swimming as part of their budget deliberations over the coming months.”

Last year Inverclyde Council brought an end to the policy of free swimming for under 16s.

As a result free swimming in Inverclyde is restricted to Saturdays and Sundays from 9am to 11am, with last entry at 10.30am.