LOCALS did their best to beat the heat and enjoy the summer sun by flocking to the Esplanade as a sudden spell of warm weather washed over Inverclyde.

After a disappointing summer, Inverclyde residents made the most of an unseasonably sunny September afternoon and headed down to Greenock’s promenade on Friday.

Temperatures soared as high as 24 degrees and came as a welcome relief, at least for some, from the cooler conditions that have graced the area all week..

Tele photographer George Munro snapped a picture of cyclist James McCormick as he took a break at the Esplanade Café and cooled off by enjoying an ice cream.

Marco Medinelli, who owns the Esplanade Café, estimated that hundreds of people had visited his business on Friday alone to buy ice cold snacks and drinks.  

He told the Telegraph that the busy afternoon came hot on the heels of a busy Thursday, which had seen tourists from the visiting Queen Mary 2 flock to the Esplanade.

He added: “It’s crazy in here when the weather’s warm.

“We’re busy all the time but when the weather’s good it’s the cherry on the top.

“Yesterday there was a boat in, the QM2, and the Esplanade was jam packed.

“I don’t know why we don’t have things like this all the time, something that will make people want to come out.

“We don’t need the extra, but it really did make a difference.

“People are coming for everything, ice creams obviously but food as well.”

Elsewhere, Lunderston Bay and the Battery Park were packed with local sun seekers, while many Port Glasgow residents took advantage of the sunshine and enjoyed a stroll through Coronation Park.

The Met Office is forecasting that Saturday and Sunday will also see sunshine, giving locals the chance to enjoy what could be the last warm weekend of the year.