14/09/2001 – More than one thousand Americans arrived in Greenock on their first port of call on board a cruise ship since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on their country.

Many described the mood on board as sombre and muted with hundreds preferring to stay in their cabins and watch the TV news rather than take part in holiday activities.

Most were in full support of military action against those responsible.

Douglas McCutcheon, from California, said: “The only response is to hit them hard. If they come back then just hit them again.”

His wife Helen added: “I have full faith in our government.”

New York-born Viann Ballentine said: “I would say that 90 per cent of Americans think we should retaliate. By that I mean military action.”

Mrs Ballentine added that the ship had picked up around 250 people from New York exactly a week before the two planes were flown into the World Trade Center.

She said: “We’ve had three memorial services on board and everybody was allowed a phone call home to check that their families were safe.

“The atmosphere on board is quiet, it’s not the usual sort of mood for a cruise.”

Reta Campbell from Florida said: “The Captain told us there was bad news and that we could switch on CNN.

“We did so and just couldn’t believe what was happening. I still can’t grasp it.”

It was not known if anyone on board had lost loved ones in the disaster. Those interviewed by the Telegraph said their relatives were safe.

The passengers were at sea on board the world’s longest cruise liner, Norway, when New York and Washington were attacked.