A GOUROCK mum has paid an emotional tribute to the heroes who saved her little girl's life after she fell ill on a shopping trip.

Hannah Kinnon and her partner Jai McFarlane relived the terrifying moments when their daughter Lilly began experiencing uncontrollable seizures in the Oak Mall.

A quick thinking store assistant stepped into help the stricken parents, who also had their three-week-old baby in the pram.

Fifteen-month-old Lilly was then rushed by ambulance to the Royal Hospital for Children where she spent three days getting round-the-clock treatment.

Jai McFarlane Jai McFarlane with his daughter Lilly. (Image: George Munro)

Now 19-year-old Jai is planning to run his first ever half marathon to raise money for the hospital's charity foundation and to raise awareness of their work.

Mum Hannah said: "It was absolutely terrifying.

"Lilly was in her pram, and we had Evie, who was only a few weeks old.

"She started to shake uncontrollably, and it kept happening.

"Every couple of minutes, her whole body would shake and rattle.

"It had never happened before, and we didn't know what to do.

"The woman in the Sally Salon came to help. She brought us in to the shop and put down the shutters until the ambulance came.

"I don't know what we would have done without her."

Once at the hospital, Jai and Hannah faced a desperate wait as doctors brought Lilly's seizures under control.

Jai said: "We just want to give something back to the hospital because without them Lilly might not be here.

"We just had no idea what was happening. But all the nurses were amazing. They had her in resuscitation, and they were getting her oxygen levels back up.

"We can't thank them enough."

Little Lilly is now back home and on medication after spending three days in hospital.

Hannah, who is a manager at Taco Bell in Greenock, added: "The seizures were caused by a fever. But it was the length of time and how often they were happening that was concerning.

"They were prolonged convulsions."

Now Jai and Hannah face an anxious wait in case epilepsy develops when Lilly gets older.

Hannah said: "We will just have to wait and see. We are always watching her. We had one scare but she was OK."

Now Jai, who works in the town's EE call centre, has decided to raise money for the Royal Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity by running a half-marathon.

He is taking part in the charity fundraiser at Bellahouston Park with his friend David Irvine.

Jai, who plays with Inter Clyde, said: "I have been doing some training and I play football so I should be OK!"

To support Jai's half marathon bid visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/half-marathon-for-childrens-hospital