A GOUROCK mum who lost half her body weight has raised almost £1,000 in a charity zipslide.

Lynette Watson, 46, took to the air to sail 150 feet across the Clyde from the Tall Ship at Glasgow's Riverside Museum.

She told the Tele she had never dreamed of doing anything like this before, but was inspired to support the Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland charity as a result of her weight loss journey.

Lynette, of Grenville Road, had her husband David, 51, and friend Mhairi Gilchrist supporting her.

She said: "It was really exciting. I was a bit nervous at first but I went for a walk that morning and I was fine.

"When I got there I actually asked if I could go first.

(Image: Spinfa Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland,)

"Five of you go up together in a cage and you take it in turns to go up. They say 'one, two, three', then give you a push.

"It was dead exciting, I took my hand off to wave and sprung a wee bit and they added a couple of weights on, because I was too light, so I didn't go too fast.

"David said he felt it went fast when he was watching. It didn't feel fast when I was up there!"

Lynette said the couple's daughter, 21-year-old student Hannah, had also ben very supportive of her efforts.

Only a few years ago Lynette wouldn't have been able to take part in the charity fundraiser, as she weighed in at 20 stones.

(Image: Spinfa Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland,)

She chose the charity because she was aware that people with spina bifida have mobility problems, as she did when she was at her heaviest.

But thanks to encouragement from Weight Watchers, revamping her diet and a rigorous exercise regime, Lynette has shed 12 and half stones and can now buy trendy size 8 and size 10 clothes.

Lynette, who works in the canteen at Clydeview Academy, quipped: "I think I was more shocked that I completed the zipslide. I never dreamt in a million years that I would bee able to do it.

(Image: George Munro)

What made it all the more important was that her Weight Watchers coach Claire Anderson and her friends at her slimming class were all watching her online as she did it.

Lynette said: "Mhairi dialled into my normal Weight Watchers meeting, and I had more than 100 people zooming in.

"I think that's what made me feel so emotional, knowing that Claire was watching and had helped me every step of the way."

Lynette said: "The charity staff were lovely. As soon as I got there, I felt I was somebody very important. They were taking pictures and videos, getting me to speak to the camera."

And such was the adrenaline rush that as soon as she got home that night, Lynette signed up to take part in a skydive for the charity in Stirling in June.

She quipped: "David and Mhairi were delighted, but David said he couldn't believe that I had signed up for something else.

"I'm amazed that I raised so much money. It's standing at £940 and with Gift Aid it will be more than £1,000."

Lynette lost 12 and a half stone through Weight Watchers, changing her diet, and a rigorous exercise regime. (Image: Public)

Lynsey Hamilton, fundraising manager at SBH Scotland, said: “Thank you so much to Lynnette for taking part in our Zipslide the Clyde event and raising almost £1,000 for SBH Scotland.

“The event has been a massive success which will have raised a whopping £163,000 by the end of September and it’s all thanks to the bravery and determination of charity heroes like Lynette.

"The money raised will continue making families, affected by spina bifida and hydrocephalus, unstoppable in life.

“As a charity, SBH Scotland need to raise £1.4 million each year to be able to continue to offer services and support that our members rely on like social groups, health and wellbeing clinics, intensive support for new babies or family outings.

“Events like Zipslide the Clyde are crucial in helping us reach this target and we want to thank everyone who has donated and supported SBH Scotland. "Thank you.”

If anyone wants to support Lynette's fundraising campaign you can do so at tinyurl.com/lynettewatsonzipslide.