BRAVE ‘soles’ from Ardgowan Hospice who are set to walk across hot coals as part of a donation drive are encouraging others to put their best feet forward and join them.

The Greenock charity is holding a fire walk next month at Gourock Golf Club and are looking for locals willing to take part.

The event was launched last year, and its first edition raised over £12,500 for the hospice.

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Joanna Hunter, fundraising manager for Ardgowan Hospice, told the Telegraph the charity were delighted to see the event return.

(Image: George Munro)

She added: “This is our second year, we sold out last year and spaces went really quickly.

“We still have around 30 spaces left available this year.

“Last year we raised over £12,500 which was fantastic. That would pay for a full day of care running the hospice so we’re hoping to raise more this year and beat our target from last year.

“I did it last year and this year we have Heather, Nicole and Ewan from our staff taking part just to encourage people to sign up.

“All we’re asking is for £100 minimum sponsorship which gets you a t-shirt, live entertainment and an hour and a half’s mind of matter course that psyches you up to walk along the hot coals.

“At the end there’ll be a certificate presentation to say you’ve walked over hot coals in aid of Ardgowan Hospice.

“This whole event has been sponsored by Platinum Paving, William Peacock is a new sponsor to the Hospice and he’s kindly sponsoring this event so we can run it.”

Hospice marketing and communications officer Ewan Boyle will be one of the firewalkers taking part in the event.

The local man, who only started working at the hospice in June, said he could not have imagined he would end up walking over hot coals.

(Image: George Munro) He added: “I’ve known people that have walked over hot coals before and it terrifies the life out of me.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen or how hot it’s going to be, but they wouldn’t let me do it if it wasn’t safe.

“If it was any other charity I don’t think I’d be doing it, but the hospice means a lot to me and I’m more than happy to do this.

“I’ve just got to hype myself up for it, they’re doing the motivational stuff before it which they say makes some difference, but I might need to get my toes out in the garden here and there before it to prepare myself.

“We’re aiming to beat last year’s target and we know there are plenty of people who have got signed up so far, we’re just hoping to get more people involved and make sure that people come along.

“I would pay just to come and see me do this to be honest so I think people certainly should come along.”

The hospice's fundraising firewalk takes place on October 4 at Gourock Golf Club starting half past five. 

There is a £20 registration fee and anyone interested can sign up at