16/09/2006 – A budding Jeremy Paxman from Inverclyde had been picked to interview the Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Christopher Duffy, a second year pupil at St Columba’s, Gourock, was set to grill the Prime Minister, Conservative leader David Cameron and the Liberal Democrats’ Sir Menzies Campbell after winning a BBC Newsround competition.

Christopher, of Dartmouth Avenue, Gourock, said: “I didn’t expect to win. My mum and dad were as proud as anything.”

Contestants were asked to suggest one question they would ask the PM and Christopher beat 600 other entrants.

He said: “I wrote that I’d ask about security in airports, how it could be made better and how the terror threat would affect the plans for identity cards.

“I came in from school and mum said the BBC were on the phone — I thought she was kidding on.

“I just can’t wait. It was surreal when I saw David Cameron on TV and thought, ‘I’ll be interviewing him soon’.

“I watch Newsround and I like Newsnight, but I don’t look up to any particular presenter. I’m really interested in politics and I’d like a job as a political correspondent.”

Christopher had no plans to let the leaders off lightly.

He said: “I want to get right into them.

“I’ll be asking David Cameron how he can boost his popularity up here and asking Menzies Campbell about a Lib Dem-SNP coalition at Holyrood.”

But his toughest questions were to be left for Mr Blair.

He said: “Hopefully, I’ll get some information out of him.

“I’ll be asking when is time up, basically. I also want to ask if he can find Inverclyde on a map.”

St Columba’s Head Teacher Elizabeth Doherty said: ”We’re really proud of Christopher. He’s quite poised and confident - he’ll not give them an easy time.”