A GREENOCK children's centre is waving a fond farewell to a much-loved member of its team as she retires after almost four decades.

Hiltje Mulholland is leaving the team at Bluebird Family Centre after an incredible 38 years. 

The early years education and childcare officer (EYECO) has been at Bluebird since it opened and has worked with hundreds of children and their families. 

To mark her retiral, head of centre Claire Lyon organised a day of celebration with help from youngsters and staff, as well as Hiltje's family members and former colleagues. 

(Image: George Munro)Hiltje, 59, said she will miss everything about the job but knows the time is right to 'go out on a high'. 

She said: "I've met so many families and had a lot of fun 

"I've had a lot of different roles over the years but no matter what job I've been doing, I've always come back to being on the floor with the kids. 

"I've had a blast."

Hiltje was treated to a Mad Hatters tea party, and though she knew in advance about the event, she said the arrival of her family members and former colleagues was a 'total surprise'. 

In her years at the Greenock centre, the dedicated Wemyss Bay woman led activities at Wemyss Bay woods, Ardgowan Estate and Lunderston Bay, before outdoor play was officially part of the curriculum. 

Hiltje also transformed Bluebird's external space to make it more exciting for youngsters. 

She spearheaded the centre's Balclutha Buddies and Bairns project which sees tots travelling to the care home every week to meet residents and share smiles, stories, and experiences. 

(Image: George Munro) And she has pledged to continue to lead the intergenerational project even after she has retired. 

Hiltje's legacy at the centre will live on in the form of her first wee grandchild, Mac (16 months) who is now a 'Bluebird boy'.

She said she's looking forward to having a bit more time to herself now she's retired. 

Hiltje added: "I'm going to get into my embroidery, and go swimming and go to the gym. 

"I've loved the variety of the job, all the staff, and the children and families. 

"I want to say thank-you to the centre for having me all these years. 

"I've loved every minute."

Bluebird head of centre Claire Lyon said: "Hiltje is amazing and we're all devastated that she's going. 

"She's so enthusiastic, motivated, and nurturing, and has shaped the lives of countless children and families who have walked through our doors. 

"She's so innovative in her ideas and will be such a big loss to Bluebird.

"Hiltje has been an innovator and mentor to new staff, and her balance of leadership, warmth, and knowledge has made Bluebird not just a place of learning but a place of growth. 

"She's had a profound and lasting impact on her community."