NEWARK Angling Club made the journey to Ayrshire recently to compete for the club's Anniversary Quaich on Loch Doon.

Seventeen anglers caught and returned 28 of the loch's wild brown trout as they battled for honours to mark the club's 40th anniversary celebrations in two outings to the loch.

Angling Club members have enjoyed trips to Ayrshire this seasonAngling Club members have enjoyed trips to Ayrshire this season (Image: Newark AC)

Brian Trainner lifted the silverware after he returned a trout on the first visit to the loch, the fish in question weighing in at just under a pound.

Gilbert Bradley would return five brown trout for second place, whilst current club champion Barry Doolan would manage to land two fish on the spinner.

Larry Gemmell managed two returns, including the heaviest trout from the loch, weighing just under a pound.

Stevie Leitch finished in fourth place, with three returns on the same bait.

George Martin would also return three of the loch's trout; he has already secured the club's senior citizens Freshwater Champion trophy so another strong finish was by no means a mean feat.

At the top end of of the loch, John Miller returned few under size fish, but despite this he would return four Doon brown trout to secure a third place finish.

This meant that the winner of the competition was George Gemmell senior, who has all but secured the club's freshwater champion title for the season.

Gemmell would return seven of the best Doon trout to finish at the top of the tree. The club also welcomed one visitor to the outing, John Kangley, fishing the fly. He returned a brace of fish.

Results: 1 George Gemmell senior, 7 fish for 2lb 12oz; 2 Gilbert Bradley, 5 fish for 2lb 3oz; 3 John Miller, 4 fish for 1lb 14oz; 4 Stevie Leitch, 3 fish for 1lb 6oz. 

The club thanks the Maltmen for their sponsorship of the outing.