An initiative that provides Inverclyde residents with access to warm spaces, food and social connection will be extended until 2027.

Hundreds of thousands of pounds has been earmarked for Warm Hands of Friendship over the next three years after elected members approved the move this week.

The Tele previously revealed that the council's policy and resources committee had been asked to approve the extension of the project as part of a six-figure spend on anti-poverty measures.

The Warm Hands of Friendship project has supported 58 community organisations across Inverclyde.The Warm Hands of Friendship project has supported 58 community organisations across Inverclyde. (Image: George Munro)

The committee rubber-stamped the allocation on Tuesday to aid the continued development and implementation of the programme in the local authority.

The project has supported 58 community organisations to deliver crucial services, from safe warm spaces and clothing distribution to meal provision and activities, during the winter period over the last two years.

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A total of £120,000 will be set aside each year for the next three years, so thousands of people can continue to benefit from the scheme.

A report by Ruth Binks, corporate director for education, communities and organisational development, said: “Inverclyde Council has provided financial support for the Warm Hand of Friendship initiative for the past two winter periods, successfully supporting 58 local community organisations to deliver essential community services during the winter period.

"Over 9,000 individuals benefitted from the Warm Hand of Friendship initiative.

“There was a focus on prioritising vulnerable groups including lone parent families, families with multiple children and older adults.

“Data collection revealed that the initiative helped address the difficult choice between food and heating, fostered social connections and even led to the formation of lasting friendships and establishing support networks within the community.

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“It is recommended that the anti-poverty funding continues to support the development and implementation of this initiative across Inverclyde until March 2027.”

Meanwhile, a total of £120,000 will also be allocated to boost engagement and participation among specific groups of young people in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award programme – after the step was also agreed by the committee.