Trip hazard is now safe for residents thanks to ward councillor stepping in.

Campaigning Councillor Tommy McVey has praised council officers for making a footpath safe.

The Ward 7 councillor had been contacted by a resident in Gleninver Road who said the lane had become a trip hazard.

He asked council officers to look into the matter and agreed something had to be done.

Councillor McVey said: “The condition of the footpath has deteriorated over the years and was now becoming a trip hazard which is why a local resident brought it to my attention.

"I asked council officers to investigate and they agreed that works were required to bring it up to standard.

"I am pleased that the footpath has now been resurfaced and my thanks go to officers for dealing with this matter promptly.

"There is always more to do and I continue to engage with council officers to get repairs carried, across the ward, despite ever decreasing budgets.”