AN ELDERLY man has told the Tele he feels "trapped" in his own home after suffering a serious fall on the staircase at his block of flats.

Ronald Malone, 88, who has cancer and mobility problems, says his pleas to his landlord, River Clyde Homes, for a more suitable home have so far fallen on deaf ears.

The housing association says Ronald's requests have been unsuccessful because, so far, they have all been for alternative houses in areas of high demand.

Ronald took a tumble while returning home with his daughter, back in April.

The great-grandfather has to climb 17 stairs to get to his first floor flat in Broomhill Street in Greenock.

(Image: George Munro)

His daughter Aileen, 53, said: "We we coming back from the supermarket. His leg went away and he banged his head.

"His glasses smashed into his face. He was in a terrible state. Because he'd banged his head I took him to hospital.

"They kept him in overnight. He was black and blue.

"My dad's mobility is not good and he needs to use a walker to get out of his bed.

"He also dislocated his shoulder after a previous fall, so he can't move his arms very high."

(Image: George Munro)

Ronald said: "I'm like a prisoner. I'm frightened to go out."

Aileen said: "I've asked for a wheelchair, so if he got a ground floor flat, I could take him out."

(Image: Lorraine Tinney)

Aileen has been battling to get her dad a more suitable home for more than a year.

He has lived in his current property for 20 years and before that lived in the Strone area.

Aileen said: "My brother lives with my dad, so it is a two-bedroom flat. But when I went up to speak to River Clyde Homes about his application I was told told he only qualified for a one-bedroom and they didn't have his medical details, either.

"I keep calling and they say someone will get back to me but they never do, I'm being passed from pillar to post."

(Image: Public) Ronald told the Tele he is interested in a property in Murdieston Street which he says has been lying empty for almost a year.

He said: "It's a ground floor flat it only has a few stairs going up to the house, we could put in a ramp. It would be great because I could go for a walk with my zimmer around the dam and get some fresh air."

The sticking point is it is a three-bedroom flat but Aileen said that she would have been willing to move in, though due to financial implications, it would mean that her dad would lose too much financially.

The family say other properties that have been suggested are not suitable.

(Image: Public) A River Clyde Homes spokesperson said, “We understand that Mr Malone is facing a challenging situation and are supporting him in finding a new home.

"We can confirm that he has an active application with us, and we have advertised several suitable options.

"Mr Malone has focused on properties in high demand, which has unfortunately resulted in unsuccessful bids. We will continue to provide support throughout his search.

"Murdieston Street will be advertised on our website when it becomes available to rent.

"We advise against family members moving in with applicants to bid on specific properties, as there is no guarantee of the bid being successful.”