WOMEN living in Inverclyde are being encouraged to share their experiences of the area's industrial decline.

Strathclyde University would like to speak to women about their experiences as part of a new oral history project about on gender, family, and deindustrialisation.

The department is working alongside a group of international historians to understand how Inverclyde has changed over the last 40 to 50 years.

Lucy said: "We particularly would love to speak with women as their perspectives have been missing in the many books written and films produced looking at the loss of shipyards and coal mines."

"We’re looking to speak to women who either lost their own factory job, experienced husbands or partners losing their jobs, or experienced this as another family member."

If anyone is interested, they will be invited to take part in a recorded interview at a time and place convenient to them.

For more information contact Lucy Smith at lucy.smith.2018@uni.strath.ac.uk.