COUNCIL bosses have insisted that any defects identified during work on West Blackhall Street in Greenock will be fixed before the project is fully fixed.

Inverclyde Council officials were responding after a Telegraph reader suggested that parts of the street looked in a worse state than before the work began.

Glen Street resident Bernard Deveney, in a letter published in today's edition of the Tele, said: "I raised concerns a few months ago re the quality of the finish on the first phase. 

"Sadly this, in my view, has not improved. Indeed, the quality of finish has worsened as the project has advanced."

Responding, a council spokesperson said: "The West Blackhall Street works are being progressed in phases linked to the complexity of undertaking a project of this nature whilst maintaining access for residents, traders and the general public.

"The overall project is not scheduled for completion until March 2025 and as such the contractual arrangements and mechanisms for quality management and defect rectification are ongoing.

"All identified defects will be resolved as the project is progressed to final completion."