A PORT grandfather has hit out at housing bosses over overgrown paths and steps he says are a trip hazard.

Peter McIntyre, 71, who has lived in his home in High Carnegie Road for more than 20 years, says the area is a mess.

(Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro)

He says River Clyde Homes, as the factor for the area, does not look after paths and communal areas as they should.

Mr McIntyre told the Telegraph: "I have lived in this area for 40 years. When Inverclyde Council was responsible, they used to weed, litter pick and clean the drains.

"It's been a fight since River Clyde Homes took over in 2007.

"All they do is come up and walk about. I've had councillors up, David Wilson and Chris Curley, but nothing has been done.

"I feel I've hit a brick wall."

(Image: George Munro)

Mr McIntyre, a homeowner, says he takes pride in the area and does a good deal of cleaning up himself, including keeping the car park and pathway near his home as tidy as he can.

He said: "I clean this area up but I'm not getting any younger. This is River Clyde Homes' responsibility."

He said it is also a problem in the surrounding area, in Brookfield Road and Westfield Road, and in many other parts of Inverclyde.

Mr McIntyre said: "I'm fed up with the whole thing. I walk everywhere, around 20 miles a day. I see it all over Inverclyde.

(Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro)

"They leave the grass cuttings everywhere, and there are holes between the stairs which is a trip hazard.

"There are a lot of elderly people who live here. They could take a tumble.

"They've not strimmed or used weedkiller this year."

He says he understands that budgets are tight, but said he wished Inverclyde Council would take charge again.

He said: "Since the day River Clyde Homes took over it's been a shambles."

Councillor Chris Curley said: “Concerns regarding the condition of High Carnegie estate has been raised with me by a number of constituents.

(Image: George Munro) "Subsequently, works have been undertaken with respect to path maintenance and wall repairs by River Clyde Homes, but more work within the estate is required, including ongoing estate maintenance.

“There are very few River Clyde Homes tenants within the estate, except for the maisonettes, and in many cases the communal maintenance is the shared responsibility of homeowners.

"Unfortunately, this responsibility is not consistent and can vary from house to house, and in some cases, homeowners are not aware of the liability they took on when they purchased their properties.

"These issues are replicated in many housing estates in Inverclyde, and go back to how houses were originally sold as part to the right to buy.

"Following these matters being raised with me by Mr McIntyre, River Clyde Homes have identified a series of works that require to be undertaken.

(Image: George Munro) "I understand that they have reached out to homeowners to try to get a combined scheme of works progressed, but frustratingly to all, these works have still to be agreed and developed.”

“I have separately raised issues relating to the condition of the environment around the maisonettes, these homes need investment internally and externally to avoid further deterioration and to ensure that they remain lettable properties.

"Measures to improve the appeal of these properties have been proposed to River Clyde Homes by myself and other elected representatives.

"I hope that these elements can be addressed shortly including as part of the ongoing development of an asset management strategy by River Clyde Homes.”

Councillor Wilson said he had intervened in the past, saying: "They did come out to do weeding for a while and then it stopped.

"I don't see a problem with homeowners paying factoring fees and if the area looks nice, it can only benefit them when they sell their homes."

A River Clyde Homes spokesperson said, "We previously identified repairs needed in this area. We have completed a procurement process and awarded a contract to a qualified contractor. 

"In the coming weeks, they will begin mobilising and carrying out the necessary repairs.

"We maintain the grounds throughout the growing season, which includes regular grass cutting and weed control. Our team will be back next week to continue spraying and trimming weeds. 

"We've also inspected all trees in the area and will address any necessary issues during our winter maintenance programme."