A TOP team at Inverclyde Academy is looking very smart with a new set of ties.

The head boy and girl, deputes, leaders, house captains and subject ambassadors all sport the new ties, so other pupils at the school know who they can go to for advice if they'd prefer not to approach a teacher.

The tie was designed by last year's pupil parliament to identify leaders within the school.

(Image: George Munro)

Head boy Ashraf Abdulghaniyy Akeem said: "The tie has the three colours of all the houses, Arran, Cumbrae and Eriskay.

"Students can identify us and can always come to us if they have any problems. We are the link between pupils and teachers.

"We had two designs and then we consulted primary pupils over which one we should use."

Ashraf says the pupil parliament plays an important role within the school.

He said: "It gives pupils a voice and it is the best in Inverclyde.

"Pupils get consulted on decisions. Our head teacher, Mrs Crawford, consults with pupils because she says the school isn't just for teachers."

Morgan McGhee, one of the Academy's house captains, said: "It is good to be able to recognise who younger pupils can talk to."

Fellow pupil Jessica Anderson added: "Some pupils might not want to approach teachers with new ideas, so they can come through us.

"I'm a subject ambassador, so I help with homework groups and support.

"I'm studying advanced physics so I help the teacher with the S3 physics class."

The pupil parliament was originally established in 2017 and has inspired a series of special events at the school since it was re-established after the pandemic.

Its members organised a Christmas movie night, a dodgeball tournament, an 'active girls' day and an event to raise money for loop earphones.

The group's members also work with younger pupils to encourage them to speak out about bullying and violence.

The pupil parliament's equalities group received the LGBT Bronze Charter mark last year.