A BIG-hearted duo held one of their popular annual gatherings in Greenock earlier this week.

Irene Anderson and Margaret Robertson have been running coffee mornings to raise money for Macmillan for around eight years, bringing in customers from all over Inverclyde and beyond.

The gatherings started at Margaret's house, but after four years they realised the event was growing in popularity and knew they had to find a bigger venue. 

Although their fund-raising efforts were interrupted by the pandemic, the duo couldn't wait to bring their hugely popular event back to the calendar once Covid restrictions were eased, and for the last three years it's been held in the Lyle Kirk.

The dynamic duo have raised around £6,000 for the charity to date, with the amount generated by this year's event still to be confirmed. 

Irene said she was thrilled by this year's turnout. 

She added: "We do it for the people we've lost. That's at the heart of it. 

"We've had people from all over Inverclyde and as far afield as Bishopton, Erskine, and Paisley coming along this year. 

"We want to say a big 'thank-you' to everyone who has supported us."

Entertainment on the day was provided by the Singing for Health and Wellbeing group led by Daniela Schuster. 

(Image: George Munro) Irene and Margaret prepared an incredible selection of baked goodies including strawberry tarts, meringues, scones, empire biscuits, and Victoria sponge. 

Volunteers and members of Lyle Gateway served up drinks and bacon rolls too.

Margaret said it's great to receive such amazing support from the community.

She said: "We wouldn't run it if we didn't think people would come along. 

"We always get amazing donations from people, even from people who can't come along on the day."

Macmillan's annual Coffee Morning fundraiser has been a firm favourite in communities all over the UK since 1990, with more than £18 million raised around the country last year alone, all going to support the more than three million people who are living with cancer.