AN OUTSPOKEN councillor has hit out at police over the issue of human trafficking in Inverclyde.

Councillor Colin Jackson said he first raised the issue almost five years ago, and was told it was not a problem in the area.

He has renewed his call for a proper investigation following two recent arrests in connection with allegations of 'brothel keeping' in Greenock town centre.

Police Scotland announced on September 11 that a 40-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman had been arrested following an ‘extensive enquiry’ into brothel keeping, human trafficking and serious and organised crime offences at a property and commercial premises on West Blackhall Street.

The pair are due to appear in court next month.

Councillor Jackson told the Tele this week: "It was in 2019 that I first confronted police about trafficking, which was dismissed, and the Telegraph reported on this.

"I alerted them to West Blackhall Street and they said they had no intelligence on this."

Councillor Jackson says these criminals prey on vulnerable young women and are sophisticated in how they operate.

Police previously insisted that they do prioritise human trafficking cases when they are made aware of them.Police previously insisted that they do prioritise human trafficking cases when they are made aware of them. (Image: Newsquest) He told the Telegraph: "Any time these criminals are discovered, they just bring in new girls from a new location, and it continues.

"This needs to be properly looked into, not just piecemeal reporting."

Councillor Jackson initially raised his concerns in November 2019 when he claimed that properties in Port Glasgow and Greenock were being used by criminal gangs to exploit women who were being forced into the sex industry.

But later that same month senior officers told the council’s police and fire scrutiny panel that the problem in the area was “not at the level suggested”.

Councillor Jackson raised his concerns again in January 2022 when he claimed he’d been told he “had it all wrong" and there was "nothing to see here”.

In response to those renewed concerns, police insisted that they do ‘prioritise’ human trafficking cases when they come to light.

In connection with the most recent arrests, Detective Inspector Nicky Beattie of Greenock CID: “We are committed to working with our partners to pursue those involved in this type of criminality, with a strong focus on safeguarding individuals who may be at risk of exploitation."

The man and woman arrested following the West Blackhall Street investigation are expected to appear at Greenock Sheriff Court on October 11.

Police Scotland declined to comment on Cllr Jackson’s latest statement, referring the Tele back to their announcement of September 11 on the two arrests.

Separately, police announced on Friday that two women, aged 38 and 44, had been arrested and charged in Paisley in connection with human trafficking, brothel keeping and serious and organised crime offences in the town.