As the month of October dawns, the nights are drawing in, the mercury is dropping, and we look forward to Hallowe’en when everyone dresses up in disguise.

In this country we have our pumpkins which we can decorate by painting funny faces or sticking brightly coloured fabric to the outside of the pumpkins to brighten up the front door.

In days of yore, we usually had a lantern made from a hollowed -out turnip with a small candle in side.

Nowadays a small tea-light is ideal and you can cut out eyes ,nose and a mouth to create an authentic lantern with the lid held with wire.

The aroma of the hot turnip was tantalising to say the least.

Remove all the old summer bedding plants and prepare the borders for spring by planting bulbs and other spring flowers and vegetables for even potatoes for Christmas.

Pass the time on winter nights sitting by the fireside reading through the seed catalogues planning your garden for next year.