Climbing and Rambling Roses

A few years ago, I was approached by a lady and gentleman who asked me what the difference is between a climbing rose and a rambling rose.

Quick as a flash I replied that one climbed while the other rambled.

Today I will deal with the climbing rose which has a semi -permanent framework and at this time of year lateral shoots should be should be cut back to two or three buds.

Thinning anywhere where the framework has become too congested will encourage the plant to flower lower down. Rambling roses on the other hand are best pruned in winter.

When you are pruning roses take care of your secateurs, cleaning them between bushes in order to prevent spreading disease from bush to bush using a disinfectant-soaked cloth.

Additionally, pick up any twigs or branches which have dropped onto the ground to prevent disease-affected wood being splashed back up onto the bush.

Some More Common Pests

Today we deal with a couple more common pests. First there is grey mould or botrytis as it is botanically known.

This can affect plants both indoors and outdoors.

Remove leaves and petals showing signs of a grey and fuzzy mould.

Powdery Mildew is common if we are expecting an Indian summer and conditions are dry. and it causes a white coating on the plant.

As it is now quite late in the season. Best action is to throw a bucket of soapy water over the affected plants.

Gardening Talks 

Garden talks organised by Gourock Horticultural Society and held fortnightly at Cardwell Garden Centre begin again on Tuesday, October 8.

Any reader interested in attending will be most welcome to come along.

The talks commence at 2pm and last for approximately one hour. For further information telephone 633422.