THE top teams at two well-known Inverclyde organisations have joined forces in a £20,000 project which will help local children with their mental and physical health. 

Morton in the Community has partnered with Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies to run wellbeing and physical activity sessions for youngsters aged 10 to 12. 

The course has been funded by around £10,000 from the UEFA Foundation for Children, which has been matched by £10,000 from the National Lottery, bringing a £20,000 investment to Inverclyde. 

Morton in the Community chief executive Brian McLaughlin said the team are excited to be linking up with Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies. 

He added: "We know we're good at the football and physical activity side of things but we're not experienced in speaking to young people about their wellbeing. 

"We wanted to partner with a local organisation to look at how we can work together in this community, and find out how to best support young people."

Sessions will begin on October 10 and run until December 12 at Ladyburn Business Centre and moving onto Lady Octavia Sports Centre. 

In the first half of the sessions, young people will be encouraged to speak about how they feel, and in the second half, they'll get the chance to develop their footballing skills. 

Morton in the Community is one of five charitable trusts that will benefit from the £10,000 funding. 

Brian said he wants all of the charitable trusts to collaborate and visit each other as the sessions progress. 

He said: "The football sessions will be less structured that our usual sessions. 

"It will be their football, and something for them to really enjoy."

To get Morton in the Community staff limbered up for the project, the Mind Mosaic Child and Family Therapies team delivered a workshop focused on resilience, hope, and trauma. 

Mind Mosaic Child and Families Therapies chief executive Sandra Boyle said the session related to what a lot of children referred to the service face. 

Sandra was thrilled when the National Lottery chose to match-fund the UEFA total and hopes the £20,000 investment will bring the sessions to as many young people as possible. 

She added: "We'll be running a 10-week cohort initially and will then offer the sessions to other families across the year.

"The first hour of the session will be about self-regulation, and we'll do a 'check and balance' with the young people to see how they're feeling. 

"It's a space where they will be able to offload and speak about their mental health. 

"Children of all diversities and backgrounds are welcome."

Sessions will run from 4-6pm. 

To find out more contact Stephen Crawford on 01475 339019 or email