Few would argue that pugs, French bulldogs and other brachycephalic (flat faced) breeds are some of our most endearing pets, but they don’t have their troubles to seek.

Most are affected in some way at least by brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS), a complicated, multifactorial condition that results in a reduced ability to breathe freely (surely a prerequisite to a happy life?).

BOAS begins with the squashed-up face, so that the nose is concertinaed from a nice, long, open tube into a scrolled up snuffle machine.

It continues to the larynx where an overlong soft palate flaps about, doing more for noisy snoring than it does for relaxed breathing.

And it ends in the trachea, which is abnormally narrowed, so that a deep inhalation of air must feel like sucking through a straw.

When we anaesthetise these dogs, the endotracheal tubes we are able to insert are many sizes smaller than might be expected, but, even then, it is remarkable how much ‘pinker’ the gums look when they are oxygenated without obstruction. 

Add to all this an oesophagus that has such weak musculature that regurgitation is common (and occurs just when you least expect it) and then there are the spinal deformities to consider.

Around one third of Pugs, for example, have an abnormal gait caused by a variety of developmental disorders of the bones of the spine.

And I don’t really have the space to mention eye disease, hernias, knee injuries and issues with skin fold infections.

When you put it all together, you might wonder how these brilliant wee guys get through life at all. Except, of course, some of them don’t. 

The UK Brachycephalic Working Group consists of a number of interested bodies, including veterinary organisations, universities, The Kennel Club, welfare bodies and breeders and its aim is to improve dogs’ health and reduce consumer demand for the breeds.

It has already succeeded in getting many big advertisers to desist from using flat faced dogs in their promotions.

Sadly, not all comply, so the International Collaborative on Extreme Conformations in Dogs issued new guidance on 12th July 2024 calling for an immediate halt on images of dogs with extreme conformations being used in advertising and social media. We could all influence advertisers to do so. 

The Dutch government, however, has gone a step further. In 2014, it instigated a ban on breeding from dogs with abnormalities that could harm the health of the parent or offspring but new legislation has set out criteria, making enforcement much easier.

From 2023, any dogs with a snout length shorter than one third of the skull were subject to an immediate ban on breeding.

Commedia, a Dutch organisation of pug breeders, said this would essentially stop pug breeding in the country.

Only dogs with a snout length of at least half the size of the skull will be allowed to breed freely. Rules allow those who already have such dogs to keep them until they die. 

Which is all well and good. The only problem, as ever, is that the new laws may lead to illegal importation of puppies from elsewhere. Causing even more misery…