NEW information was published this week showing support for many people in the country, including in Inverclyde.

Over £829m has been invested in people via Scottish social security payments. This is made up of over 329,000 children under-16 now qualifying for the Scottish Child Payment which currently is £26.70 per week. This is a payment made in Scotland for Scotland and is unique to Scotland and it has paid out over £677m alone since being introduced.

The Scottish Child Payment is part of a wider package of payments – including the three Best Start Grants (Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment, Best Start Grant Early Learning Payment, and Best Start Grant School Age Payment) and Best Start Foods – which provides vital financial support at key stages of a child’s life. There is no cap on the number of children in one family who can receive these payments.

If you want to find out more about these payments or think you may be eligible, please check or call Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222.

A further announcement was that of new software being introduced to reduce hospital waiting times and enhance operating theatre efficiency. It is to be rolled out across Scotland over the next year.

It was created by a clinician-led tech company ‘Infix’. During its testing, the national theatre scheduling software improved operating room efficiency by up to 25 per cent without the need for extra medical staff or additional theatres during successful pilots across three health boards.

It also enabled the completion of additional operations for patients which resulted in better outcomes for people and financial savings.

The platform will now support all NHS boards to increase productivity, remove paper processes and reduce the overall administrative burden in the creation and approval of theatre lists, which can delay patient treatment.

One of the issues that is raised with politicians is the use of, or sometimes the lack of using, technology to help drive the country forward. If this software delivers what it promises to do, it can have a hugely beneficial outcome for my constituents. Technology develops quickly and harnessing the opportunities it can provide is important, particularly in a public sector that has even greater demands placed upon it.

Finally, the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill was passed on Tuesday. This new legislation allows a small visitor levy to be implemented which can help local authority finances.

There were a few MSPs, including myself, who spoke to and met with the minister to introduce a Cruise Ship Levy as part of the Bill.

It wasn’t included this time as there had been no consultation undertaken in this regard, but the minister has committed to that consultation taking place and legislation being implemented in the future.