I HAVE mentioned this little equation before and was reminded recently the first real time I got desperate for anything and the first time I effectively cried out to God.

I was at school as 14-year-old I think and had been picked for the school tennis team, but only on the basis that a better player was away that day doing athletics.

The weather was rotten and earlier in the day I finished a Latin exam early and watched the heavy rain hitting the classroom windows seeing my chances of playing disappearing fast. And while at the end of the day I realise now this was just about one tennis match, at the time it was a huge thing to me.

As I watched the rain continuing which would flood the school’s courts very fast, I got increasingly desperate. I finished up in that classroom inwardly saying or praying ‘Oh God, if there is a God, please stop the rain’.

At lunch, I then learned that the school’s sports afternoon had been cancelled because of the weather. I continued to ask God, if He was there, to help and for whatever reason, the weather changed and the rain began to stop. I went back to the school with a friend to find the courts full of large puddles, but we managed to get hold of some brushes and began to sweep and sweep and sweep.

It was an evening match and about 5.30pm we managed to get the courts playable and the match went ahead. The funny thing was that when off court there was a fine drizzle but when we were on court it was dry.

I felt that God had answered me that day, and that was the beginning of my prayer journey and sometime later, when my older brother was seriously ill and about to go through a large operation, I prayed again to the One who had helped me before. Nowadays, I find God answers almost before I ask, and I have seen so many answers to prayer including miraculous healing and God changing many situations for good.

It was only a tennis match but God delights in getting involved in our lives. So, I encourage you to pray to the One who can help in every situation and any and all crises in life you will come across.