Listening to a news bulletin on the radio this week I was disheartened to hear from two political opponents who took the opportunity to slate each other for their policies on a couple of issues.

So rather than listen to constructive debates, all I heard was how the other side have got it wrong.

I reckon increasingly this is the type of thing I have been hearing of late, and they are really not the type and content of voices I want to listen to. Healthy debate is one thing, but mudslinging is another. I guess that’s been going on longer than I would have wanted.

Then there are all sorts of journalists and television presenters and pundits offering all kinds of opinions as if only their one is right. It reminded me of a few tennis commentators, there to commentate on a match but instead only really offering opinions on how the players had got it wrong and also what they needed to do to put matters right.

And these commentators’ own tennis achievements were far below the quality of the players they were commentating on and offering opinions about.

I know I am getting older, as we all are, but there are many voices I can do without, while they all clamour for my attention. And I suggest that, above all others, there is one voice I want to hear from and hear from regularly.

He has the words of eternal life, good rules for living, and He and His Holy Spirit also speak into my life to guide me and to make me a better person and to help me show His love to others.

When it comes to heaven and hell, only He has the words to guide us. Of how to shun hell and gain entrance to heaven by following His words and instructions to us. His is the voice that really matters in life and death issues and also in the right way to live and love. He’s got your back and mine and loves to hear from us.

So shut out all other voices for a little while, concentrate on Him, speak with Him and listen to all that He has for you personally.