I HAVE said to you before that I have found God helping me even in the little things of life, helping when I was stuck with something trivial and almost answering before I asked for His help.

I had another episode of this recently when preparing my car to be sold, as I needed to replace it with a newer model. Having had the car valeted and washed a few days previously, I took out the small hoover I have to give it a final check.

Having hoovered all I felt I needed to do, I noticed a small, and what I thought was an old, potato chip stuck in one of the metal runners, which was impossible to get out by hoover or by hand.

I poked it about with the car key to no avail and in doing so slid out what I thought was a pen I hadn’t noticed which had become lodged alongside. To my surprise, and which brought a smile, it was not a pen at all but a pair of tweezers: exactly what I needed.

And with the tweezers I was able to pull out the ‘chip’ which turned out to be a small piece of sticky paper, and so the job was done.

Now, you may just feel this is just co-incidence, but I have had too many incidences of this kind to accept ‘just a coincidence’ but rather that the God who looks after me and energises me was helping out. Perhaps with a smile at His end as well.

God is so interested in the detail of our lives. The Bible tells us that he knows the number of hairs on our heads to convince us of His knowledge about us, our hopes and desires, our aims and ambitions.

He wants to be a part of them all, and guides us where we think we are making the right decisions, but they are not good ones. The Bible tells us: "There are ways which seem right to a man, but the ends are the ways of death."

We can trust God with every aspect of our life, be they major matters or very small ones. "For the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."

He can literally bring great joy and happiness to all of our lives.