It seems the world is on the brink of major warfare. Not a happy place for anyone to be, knowing the dreadful human cost already, and the millions who died in previous world wars.

While we cannot get on as nations defeats me. We are only on this planet for such a short time, and we resort to wickedness and hatred of our fellow man so easily. And then atrocities happen.

Into such a world came Jesus, the ultimate peacemaker, despite the cruel suffering He endured. Jesus brought hope, Jesus brought healing, Jesus brought reconciliation.

Just a few of His names are the Almighty One, Deliverer, Light of the World, Redeemer, Saviour and the Way. There are so many more.

How we need Him now. In the simple words of a well-known chorus: "What the world needs is Jesus, just a glimpse of Him. He will bring joy and gladness, take away sin and sadness; what the world needs is Jesus, just a glimpse of Him."

I think those of us who have known His love and His forgiveness for our sins and wrongdoing owe it to those around us and beyond to share knowledge of that love. For, as He said: "My kingdom is not of this world; if it were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world."

And His love is not from this world; it is greater than anything we could imagine. And while the world’s behaviours get darker and darker, Jesus leads us to His eternal Kingdom.

So, what can we do or say? God loves to hear from His people, so our prayers are valuable to Him and can move mountains. And our words can be effective in introducing people to Jesus and in changing hearts and bringing hope. They have been a life saver in Inverclyde recently.

It is our love for God and His love through us for others which can make such a difference.