I was reminded this week of a true story about a wedding.

On a cold and rainy Saturday, church buses had been sent out to the neediest parts of the city to find the homeless and the poor. The bride and groom eagerly awaited their return and had prepared a meal in their honour. The needy were to be the distinguished guests at their wedding.

The couple had met while working in their church’s ministry to the poor. They shared a passion for God and a love for the needy. Their gift wish list only included coats, hats, gloves and sleeping bags…to be given to their guests.

It was very different to see among the friends and family of the bride and groom, people who were there simply to get a meal. It wasn’t wrong, just different. Following the wedding ceremony, the newly married couple went and served the food to their guests.

Now, this church had known many miracles of healing, and among the guests was a man who, due to illness, only had up the three years to live. He walked with difficulty, needing the help of a walking stick. He wore supports around both arms, and a large support around his neck.

The problem with his arms was carpel tunnel syndrome, and the church people there asked to pray which he agreed to and all the numbness left his arms and he could freely move them.

His leg had been badly damaged due to an accident, making his walk painful, with one leg now shorter than the other. The church people again prayed and watched as the shorter leg grew before their eyes and he walked across the room without limp and without pain.

The support around his head was a result of cancer, the brace needed to keep his head in place because of the loss of muscles in his neck. Again, the church people prayed, and the man was able to move his head from side to side and shouted out that the cancerous lumps were gone. He had been healed.

Now this might not sound like your church, or mine, but God wants to heal His people and is looking for those who will give their lives to make that happen. And that could be you or me.