"THE times, they are a-changin'." So says the song by Bob Dylan, and there is little doubt, at least in my mind, that as we grow older, times do feel different.

As a seven-year-old, for example, it seems to me that a year felt like forever. Of course, at that age we had few responsibilities and lots of time to play even if school holidays took ages to come around.

Then as we get older, our studies get more intense, and then comes the whole new world of work, or university with so much more learning to do.

Moving on, family and other relationships take up much of our time, and then we might want to buy a car, with all its costs, and if we are fortunate, our first house.

Their upkeep then takes up time and life can get busy. And if you are fortunate to have children, your world turns upside down, with little people to look after, nurture and help grow into responsible adults.

I became a Christian in my late teens, and that turned my world upside down too. A whole new relationship with Jesus, Son of God, blossomed and my life had new direction and scope.

Time was wanted, and needed, to pray, and to read God’s word, and to let him speak into my heart.

I do remember, in my early years as a Christian, that so much could happen in a week, or even a day, if He was close to me and speaking, while weeks could pass just like that if I wasn’t hearing His voice.

And now it is what I do with my time, really His time, which is important. While we can all be hugely busy with all that life throws at us, or in following our various pursuits, it remains so important to hear His voice in the midst of everything.

Do take time to let your relationship with Jesus, whatever stage it is at, deepen. And if you don’t know him at all, read up about Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to you.