I have been increasingly struck when recently reading again of the miracles that Jesus did when alive on the earth in human form was that He healed all who came to him.

It didn’t matter who they were, where they had come from, what was their background and what was wrong with them, they all were healed.

And in other miracles too, like the feeding of the 5,000, all were fed regardless of who they were.

READ MORE: Thought for the Day: God can do it again, and again, and again

Now Jesus said to His followers that greater things would they do than He did, because he was returning to God His Father, and I know there have been countless miracles of healing since then all over the world and also here.

But to my knowledge, they have been in small numbers, certainly here, with larger numbers in some of the big Christian crusades in a number of countries.

I began to wonder if there had been an occasion present or past where everyone who was sick was healed. I found that when Healing Rooms started in Spokane in Washington in the USA, then with a population of some 40,000, there were reportedly 100,000 healings in five years.

What would have been happening is that people outwith the area got to hear of what was happening, and came with the sick from all over America in large numbers. I do not know, though, if everyone who came sick was healed, but so many were.

READ MORE: Thought for the Day: Christ's promises to you and me will never fail

Then I read of one occasion as part of a service led by Oral Roberts in America in 1952. The healing presence of Jesus came so intently over a short period where anyone who was sick in that gathering was healed. So, it does appear to have happened beyond Jesus’ time on earth.

In Inverclyde we recently had one lady healed after prayer for her with all the pain she had endured for five years suddenly gone. Now this is wonderful, really wonderful, but what if everyone we pray for had the same result, again regardless of their background? I rather think the world might just sit up and take notice.

Now that is perhaps the challenge to us all.