I AM disappointed that more is not being done by our politicians to promote Inverclyde as the UK renewables headquarters.

Sir Keir Starmer has promised that this would be located in Scotland.

This should be centred in the new business park in Inverclyde and would give employment and a well deserved boost to the area.

With its proud history of hydro power it is the obvious choice.

I am sorry that Labour's Sir Keir Stamer and MSP Neil Bibby would rather prioritise things like the renationalisation of trains and buses, when the glaring objective should be overall control of energy and the jobs and activity that comes from this.

We continually expand the wind farms but we have not provided storage.

Scotland has the potential storage, we must use it.

If we cannot store the wind power we will not have the energy to drive the buses and trains.

If we do not pay more attention to managing the water and drainage we will not have the roads or tracks to put the buses and trains on. Potholes are everywhere.

These are the priorities that we should have.

Archie Wilson

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