I READ with interest the letter from Archie Wilson (May 24) regarding renewables and green technology.

One of the first things I did when I was elected as MP for Inverclyde, back in 2015, was to bring a number of energy and renewable companies to the area to meet with Inverclyde Council officials.

Sadly, their views were not acted upon and many went elsewhere to either start or nurture their businesses.

On a side note, I’m pleased that Inverclyde Council is pursuing a district heating system for parts of the area.

Since then, I’ve kept constant pressure on Inverclyde Council to pursue the green agenda and through my actions we are now seeing some of this happen with peatland action on Duchal Moor and Dowries Farm, pictured.

Added to this, I had a number of meetings with Clyde Climate Forest and connected both them and Green Action Trust with Inverclyde Council and we’re seeing more tree planting, including at Coves Reservoir which I recently visited.

Also, on battery storage, I had meetings with Tesla and Green Nation re locating sites in Inverclyde.

Green Nation came to me with a proposal to put a small sub-station on the proposed site of the new prison, although frustratingly this was knocked back by Scottish Prison Service.

Finally, for years I have been a voice championing the hemp industry and was joined by council officials on a trip to Jedburgh to visit IndiNature where we saw the tremendous work they are doing utilising hemp as home insulation.

I’ve had discussions with Inverclyde Council to urge them to consider supporting the industry and locating both the farms and industries that rely on it here in Inverclyde, rather than it being imported from abroad or brought up from England.

I will always champion the renewables and green industry as Scotland and Inverclyde has so much potential.

Ronnie Cowan MP

Crawfurd Street