THE decision to remove full GP out-of-hours services from Inverclyde Royal Hospital is a disgrace.

People in our community already have to face travel to Glasgow for specialist treatment, but now they will be running up the motorway in the middle of the night to see a GP.

No wonder so many will just turn up at A&E instead which will also create further issues to our stretched service.

Like many people, I signed the petition against the cuts when they were made in 2020 and I followed the campaign against them with interest as I am a nurse and also live in Inverclyde.

During this time I saw many Labour and independent councillors making the argument against these proposed cuts.

But where were the SNP? Ronnie Cowan, it seems, did not communicate with the health board at all about these proposed cuts. Instead he waited until the very last minute to say anything.

A lot of use that was! And Stuart McMillan was in the Telegraph in January saying he "accepted" that Inverclyde wouldn't get a full service.

Their decision to ignore people in Inverclyde was disgusting and by resigning Martin McCluskey has shown he's willing to stand up for his principles and for our community.

That's more that can be said for the SNP councillors on the board - neither voted against the cuts to out-of-hours services.

Irene O'Brien

Port Glasgow