ON reading the letter from Irene O'Brien about the GP out-of-hours service being cut, I was somewhat bemused by her statement that SNP councillors did not speak up against the cuts. So much so that I re-watched the council meeting dated April 25 (which is available online) and lo and behold there we have Councillor Elizabeth Robertson vehemently decrying the cuts to the out-of-hours service.

Not only was the motion agreed without having to go to individual voting, Labour councillors actually stated appreciation for the cross party support from SNP. Now, given that Ms O'Brien is the chair of Inverclyde Labour, I’m really astounded she did not appear to know this. 

As for Mr McCluskey and his principles, I’m sure he’s a nice man but you have to question him.

Mr McCluskey is making his third attempt at becoming the Labour MP for Inverclyde, so one could assume that getting to Westminster is and has been a long term ambition.

If this is the case, knowing that there would be a general election midway through the council  term, what was his motivation for becoming a councillor?

Does he see it as something to keep him going till he can get to London?

Perhaps he thought being a councillor could help raise his profile? 

If successful, is he planning to follow Douglas Ross’s example and have two jobs or is he planning to give up the council seat which would mean a by-election causing extra demands on the council’s already stretched budget?

Irene McLeod
Wemyss Bay